Thursday, April 5, 2007

end of Christianity?

Just the other day I read an article in my newspaper about how some athesists are trying to get rid of religion. What surprised me was that the alogation was made by other Athesists. Sounds like a big 'house divided against itself' situation.

Apparently there is a new type of athesist called 'fundemental athesist'. This 'new' athesist insists that trusting, obeying and believing in the Lord is not only foolish but must be stopped. One in the forefront is Dawkins who wrote a book called The God Delusion and basically said that any Christian who reads his book will end up an athesist when finished. OK, it looks like vanity is playing a big roll here.

Now am I worried about this? Of course not!!! First of all true Christanity is not a religion, but a relationship w/ the one true Lord. We know Him as Jesus or Yeshua. Why is it a relationship? Well because we can go directly to Him and tell Him our needs and wants. We can, and should listen for His response and His guidence. We don't have to jump through hoops, but just trust, obey and have faith. We don't have to use big words or 'Thees and thous' when we talk to Him. We can speak to Him as we do a trusted friend or relative.

Which brings me to another topic. Did you know that we are adopted into the Family of God? That is right, we are adopted sons and daughters of the Lord. Since the Lord is the King of Kings, that makes us princes and princesses. Pretty cool, huh? :~)

Another reason I'm not worried is that the Lord made a covent with us that will never be broken. It is writen all in His Word. He(the second of Elohim*) also showed this by becoming a man and paying the price for sin that we should have paid. If He would do this, why should I worry about this attack? Why should you? For if God is for us who can be against us?

*Elohim is a Hebrew word for God. It means basically 'parts of one'. A few examples are the clover and egg. Both have been used to decribe the trinity. The clover has 3 seperate and distinct leaves. The egg has seperate and distincts parts(shell, white, yoke).

1 comment:

Mammal_Mama said...

I've recently become interested in the writings of Sarah Fitz-Claridge and David Deutsch, both of whom have a lot of interesting things to say about how people learn. They totally support unschooling, and base their ideas on the writings of Karl Popper -- and I'm learning a lot from his writings, too.

I'm finding that a lot of people who are into these same writings, are atheists (as are Fitz-Claridge and Deutsch). While I agree with their child-led learning approach, and with their idea that we learn by making conjectures and setting out to disprove them -- this hasn't shaken my faith in Christ.

As you say, Christianity is a relationship, not a religion; it's also not a theory needing to be tested. I may be wrong about many of my current beliefs and perceptions about God -- but that doesn't make Him any less real.