Thursday, April 5, 2007


There was a time that I concidered my denomination an important and necessary part of my faith. In fact it was more important than my walk w/ Christ. I would say that I am a_______ instead of saying I'm a Christian. Even when I went to other denominations, my denomination was what I was.

This even went into my adult life. Instead of looking for a church that taught the Word of the Lord as truth, I looked for a church that was my denomination. I did not matter if what they taught was in compliance w/ the bible or not. Only thing that mattered was the denomination.

Well, years have passed and the Lord has been patient and kind towards me. He lead me to a church that if I knew it's denomation I would not have attended. This church really ministered to me and I'm a member. The Lord allowed me to this this church was non-denominational to open my heart. I started to learn that it doesn't matter about the denomination, but what is taught.

God also opened my heart to what a church really is. It is not a building or a denomination. The true church is the body of believers gathered together in one accord in the will of God. In the body, we are the same. None is better or worse.

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