Thursday, May 3, 2007

Our stronghold.

Nah 1:7 Jehovah is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knows those who trust in Him.

the definition of stronghold is: a strongly fortified structure that is used for protection and defense. What great news to know that our Lord is our stronghold!!! He will protect us and keep us safe. He is like a shield that protects us even when we have to go into battle. He is also the foxhole that hides us when the enemy seems strong.

When we are in the stronghold of the Lord Jesus, we are not to cower. We are to become strong. We are to use this time to strengthen ourselves for the fight. We are to learn about the enemy and what his tactics and weapons are. We are to learn how to defend against them and when to attack. We are to make a wise strategy against the enemy for a foolish strategy will play into the hands of the enemy.

There will be times where it looks like the enemy is going to win. This is the time to press on. For our protector and defender is the Lord Jesus Himself. He will lead us into battle. Not to defeat the devil, for the devil has already been defeated. No, Jesus will lead us into battle to show us that we have already defeated the devil and his demons. We will be going to take back what is already ours!!! For the Lord said that the victory is ours!!!

All that the Lord Jesus ever asks is that we have a heart trust in Him. He knows us because we trust in Him. Remember Jesus tells those who doesn't have a heart trust in Him that He never knew them even though they preformed miracles and did good in His name. This is because they trusted in the works instead of Christ.

So do you trust the Lord Jesus to be your stronghold?


Anonymous said...

That blessed me so much! It was EXACTLY what I needed to hear right now. Even when things are not going well the Lord is there and we just have to trust. This is not the time to whimper and look around at the storms around us but to be getting strong knowing that Yeshua is taking care of us and we don't need to be afraid.

blbcHelvsme said...

That is so true. and even though I wrote it, I still have to remember this myself.